Allow in the Energy of Divine Kindness to Enhance Your Self-Care

I recently went on a trip with my sister, just to get away from it all for a few days and enjoy a change of scenery.

While travelling, I spent some time contemplating the elements that contribute to effective self-care. I also maintained a regular practice of working with the energy of Divine Kindness – which assists me in focusing inward on the importance of being kind to myself.

There’s a softness and an effervescence to the energy of Divine Kindness. It helps clear the internal blocks and debris that can cause us to doubt our legitimate need – and even our worthiness – for deep self-care. Divine Kindness encourages us to take time to nurture ourselves and to appreciate the wonder that we are and the beauty of our human experience. It calls on us to be gentle and patient with ourselves and to disallow those critical voices in our head that tell us we are not enough or not good enough. 

Divine Kindness encourages us to see ourselves through the eyes of Divinity itself and to know that there is no need for blame or shame or guilt. We are an aspect of Divinity and deserving of boundless kindness. When we start with kindness for ourselves, we open ourselves to the truth of who we are. And once we are filled with this kindness to ourselves, we will see it flow out to others and reflected back to us.

You can access this energy at any time. Just close your eyes and breathe in Divine Kindness. Allow it to fill you. Let it flow through your physical body and through your entire energy field. To me, it feels like gentle bubbles of energy flowing through me and around me.

You can learn how to anchor this energy into your energy field to enhance its effectiveness. If you’d like to learn more about working with energy, please feel free to reach out. You can also check out my YouTube video, which features the energy of Divine Kindness.

When working with energy, everyone’s experience will be unique. Some may experience physical sensations. Others may see things or hear things. Some may not experience anything at all. So be kind to yourself, even when working with Divine Kindness. Allow your experience to be what it is, without judgment, and know that your experiences may evolve over time as your own gifts open further.

Some worry that self-care is tantamount to being selfish. The truth, however, is that when we care for ourselves more deeply – with more kindness – we undergo an energetic shift that makes us more present with ourselves. This shift also enables us to be more authentically present for others. 

The energy of Divine Kindness reminds us of our own innate value and perfection and helps us to drop the judgments and criticism that we use to demean and diminish ourselves. Often these judgments weren’t originally even ours. We picked them up from others and then claimed them as our own.

This is not to say that people aren’t currently making investments in self-care. I personally love a good massage. I get regular acupuncture treatments and have embraced healthy eating, organic food and yoga as ways to maintain good health, especially now that I am getting older. 

Indeed, it is estimated that the global wellness economy will reach $7 trillion dollars in 2025. According to the Global Wellness Institute, the top five areas of global consumer spending on wellness include:

  • Personal care and beauty ($955 billion)

  • Healthy eating, nutrition and weight loss ($946 billion)

  • Physical activity ($738 billion)

  • Wellness tourism ($436 billion), and

  • Traditional and complementary medicine ($413 billion).

Spas came in at number nine, representing $68 billion in consumer spending. So I’m not the only one who values a good massage.

Still, it is important to note that the primary area of focus for all this spending on wellness is the physical body. While this is a vital area requiring attention, it still represents only one aspect of self-care, and not the foundational aspect.

Because true self-care starts with being kind to yourself. This is the cornerstone of your well-being, and it can make the other actions you take to enhance your health and wellness more effective.


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Working With Divine Energies to Live Your Best Life