
Hello! And welcome to Boundless Joy

My work through Boundless Joy is about helping people heal and transform their lives so they can fully awaken their inner Joy.

This is achieved through energy transmissions that connect you directly to divine energy to help you release the issues that may be getting in your way. These clearings enhance your sense of well-being, while activating your own innate capacity for healing.

I also share practical and proven tools and processes that you can apply in your day-to-day life to support your own healing and transformation. These can also enhance your own ability to work with energy.

I have been working with energy for many years. Over time, I came to understand how clearing stuck energy and related thoughts, emotions and beliefs regarding lack and limitation creates a sacred opening where Joy can blossom.

We all want more Joy in our lives, and often we look externally for things to help us feel more safe, comfortable and happy. Boundless Joy is about helping you connect to the greater Joy within, which everyone can access—and I’ll show you how.

The work helps you realize – on a deep and visceral level – that our true source of Boundless Joy is found within. Joy is an energy, a divine energy, that can be accessed and cultivated, both through this work and through the choices we make every day.

To help you move forward with greater ease and grace, our sessions focus on clearing the various layers in your energy field, which helps you release the thoughts, emotions and beliefs that impede your Joy.

This work opens the flow of joy, so with practice it can become your abiding state of being.

I’m always developing new energy-infused music and workshops, so continue to visit and check out what’s new. A new book, Awakening Boundless Joy, is also in the works. This will present key principles, while showing how to deepen your own connection to universal energy and Joy. Personalized energy-infused music is also available, to pinpoint and address specific challenges.

— Claudine Kapel

Follow us on Instagram: @boundlessjoywithclaudine