Science and Spirituality Explain That Everything Is Energy, Including Us.
While we appear to be living in a solid, physical body, the truth is that we are energetic in nature, connected to a vast unified field of energy. As we explore what this means, we come closer to understanding our true nature.
Here are seven exercises to get you started.
Close your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Imagine creating a ball of energy between your hands. Slowly bring your palms closer together and then further apart, repeating this motion in a series of pulsing movements. What do you sense or experience as your hands come closer together?
Focus on the energy at the bottom of your feet. Allow energy to flow through your feet, connecting with the center of the planet, like a giant root extending to the center of the earth. What do you sense or experience?
Focus on your heart. Allow energy to flow through your heart. What do you sense or experience?
Ask for energy to flow from Source down through the top of your head. What do you notice? Can you sense in your body where the energy flows?
Sit quietly with your eyes closed and notice what you sense energetically. Now put a crystal in the palm of your left hand. Was there any change? Did you notice any energy shift in your system? What happens if you move the crystal to your other hand? What happens if you use a different crystal? How is this experience similar or different?
Focus on an image of scared geometry, such as the Flower of Life. If doing a search for images online, select one that feels positive or in alignment with you. What do you sense as you focus on this image? Do any insights come to you?
Sitting quietly, take in Divine Gratitude with each breath. Send it to each cell in your body. Do you notice a response? Send this gratitude to everyone and everything that nurtures and supports you on your path. What do you sense as you do this? What do you sense after you finished doing this.
These explorations can help you better understand your true energetic nature. Take some time to play with the energy and have fun!