Awakening Joy Through The Transformational Power of Forgiveness
The access point to a life of Joy is through the present moment.
When we allow ourselves to simply be in the moment, free of any attachments and judgments that can weigh us down, we open ourselves to experience our true Self, our true divine nature.
Yet many of us invest a lot of time recalling the past, and in particular, the hurts we experienced at the hands of others.
We may maintain this rearview focus because we feel it will help keep us safe. We may believe steady attention on the past will help us remain hyper-vigilant in the present, so we are less likely to be wounded again. Yet this belief that we must keep our past wounds front and center to be safe is just a belief. It is not the Truth. And this belief may be inhibiting us from accessing the transformational power of forgiveness.
When we hold on to and continuously revisit past hurts, we remain energetically corded to these experiences and maintain energetic fragments in our field that arose during those situations. This lingering stuck energy can have a detrimental effect on our energy field, lowering our vibrational rate. And this lower energy can hold us in a place of fear, disappointment and regret, which is the opposite of being in a state of Joy.
While forgiveness can open the door to healing, there are misconceptions about what it truly involves, which can get in the way of one’s embracing its transformational power. Forgiveness does not mean you condone or endorse the actions that led to your being hurt, be it physically, emotionally, financially or in any way. Forgiveness means you are choosing to release these past experiences, so the related energies no longer impinge on your energy field in the present moment. Forgiveness enables you to release stuck energy, so your own energy can flow more freely.
Energy Healing Exercise for Forgiveness
Here are some steps to explore to help you forgive others, as well as yourself:
Close your eyes.
Call forth the energy of Divine Forgiveness to assist you with your process.
Rest your hand on your heart. Feel the beat of your heart. You may even sense the energy of your heart chakra.
From the center of your heart, call forth the person you are seeking to forgive. Sense what you are feeling in your body. Is there a tightness there? Is there anger or fear there?
Breathe in the energy of Divine Forgiveness. Choose, allow and accept this energy and allow it to assist you. Taking slow, deep breaths, work with this energy until you feel more peaceful and ready for the next step.
Now tell the person you have called forth that you forgive them for whatever happened in the past, so you can both be set free.
In your heart, feel yourself releasing this situation and setting everyone involved free so there are no future encumbrances related to this situation.
Breathe in the energy of Divine Peace. Take it for yourself and offer to the other person as well.
You can tell that a situation has been cleared when there is no longer any emotional charge when you recall the past situation. You may need to do a clearing exercise more than once to clear out all the energetic fragments from that entanglement.
The exercise of forgiveness is not limited to other individuals. You can forgive yourself for any of the ways in which you feel you have let yourself down. You can also forgive a group of people if that is more appropriate for the situation.
Again, remember that forgiveness does not mean you condone what happened. Forgiveness means you are releasing yourself and others from the energetic bonds and stuck energy created in the past.
You can experience the energy of Divine Forgiveness through our YouTube video. Remember to choose, allow and accept the energetic support you are seeking.